Consultation for Caregivers and Professionals

The CAC Mental Health Program provides consultation and training for professionals who face challenges in understanding and responding to children’s sexual behavior or when there are concerns about a child's sexual behavior with another child. We can provide information and guidance to:

  • Distinguish between sexual behavior that is part of typical development and behavior that is concerning;
  • Use an understanding of children's sexual behavior to respond in a healthy and effective way;
  • Help children and families access services from professionals, when needed, and
  • Help determine if PSB-CBT (Problematic Sexual Behavior-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) services would be helpful to a child and family.

If concerned about a child's behaviors, contact the CAC’s Director of Mental Health & Advocacy, Catalina Perez, LICSW at 857-334-4522 or for information or consultation.

Additionally, the CAC offers training on Mental Health topics for community members and professionals. We customize trainings to the specific needs of individual agencies and organizations.

For more information regarding training options please contact the CAC’s Training Program Manager, Erica Chepulis.

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