CAC Calendar

培養兒童安全意識 / Parenting Safe Children

Address/地點: Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Cultural Center, 38 Ash Street, Boston, MA 02111

在這場講座中,您將會學習: [In the workshop, you will learn how to:]

  1. 如何與兒童討論身體安全 [Talk with children about body safety]
  2. 如何最大限度地減少兒童遭受性侵的風險 [Minimize risk of child sexual abuse]
  3. 如何判斷成年人是否在誘騙兒童以達到性侵目的 [Identify when an adult may be grooming a child]
  4. 如何識別兒童遭受性侵的跡象 [Spot signs of sexual abuse in children]
  5. 如何處理問題 [Respond to disclosures]

Contact and Registration/查詢及報名方式:

Contact Kit Yung 聯絡家庭服務部容小姐: 617-635-5120 x1065,